Marital bliss !!! Or, is it?
People, especially us Indians, get married with a lot of hope and a song in the heart. For years, the whole family has been nagging us to 'settle down', and we see a lot of dreams about what our life will be, post marriage.
Then comes the grand wedding in which the whole town and relatives participate.
Then, what ? For a lucky few, their dreams come true. Married life turns out just dandy, they find love and companionship; their children turn out just perfect. They manage to fulfil their unfulfilled aspirations through their children [for instance, if I wanted to be a dancer and could not afford it or was not good enough to become a performer, I will send my child to the best dance school............ and enjoy my dreams vicariously].
But for those whose partner turns out to be unloving, or unkind, life becomes drudgery. They spend the rest of their lives trying to live down the past and take care of their children so that they grow up well adjusted, happy adults despite their parents' unloving marriage. Some of those who go through the agony of divorce regret it later, and feel that it would have been better to live with the former partner , than live alone and die lonely. No one knows which is the better option - to continue with a bad marriage with a brave smile, or, to just end it and lead a more peaceful life.
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