Emotional maturity
In the present situation of the pandemic, our emotions are running haywire. Many of us cannot sleep, many are feeling some vague restlessness [arising out of old demons, old fears, insecurities], and very few are totally at peace.
Those who have a strong sense of purpose , and strong sense of making a difference in others' lives are the one's who have strong immunity and sleep the best!
For the rest of us mortals, the only solution is to follow social responsibility and hope for the best.
In this situation, we need to have strong emotional maturity.
What is Emotional Maturity? Emotional maturity means being centered in yourself, not self centered.
Be responsive [not reactive],
Be responsible ['I am responsible for everything that happens in my life'],
Be resilient [spring back to action, have the ability to adapt to all circumstances].
Maturity is the ability to take responsibility for our
own happiness [not blame others, 'you did this...... and caused me
unhappiness], be empathetic to others [truly feel for what they are
going through], and plan life goals in a realistic manner. It is a very uncertain today and no one knows where it will all end. Let us lead responsible lives, taking care of our own health as well as that of those around us. Here's to a
happy and mature life !
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